- Parents are requested to check their ward before they leave for school. Teachers have been instructed to conduct random checks of student’s bags and if any electronic gadgets are found, they will be confiscated.
- Students are required to come to school in complete and neatly laundered uniforms. Boys should have their hair cuts done at regular intervals and refrain from using hair gels, hair creams and the likes.
- Girls are required to tie up their hair neatly, trim their nails regularly and refrain from wearing nail paint. No ornaments should be worn to school.
- Students are not permitted to possess mobile phones. In case of an emergency, they may be allowed to carry their mobile phones and leave them at the office before they proceed to their classrooms.
- Students engaging in vandalism (damage to school property) will be penalised. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against them.
- Students should not use bad language or ill-treat fellow classmates/schoolmates.
- Students are required to complete all their assignments and submit their work to the respective teachers within the given time.
- We will be conducting parent-teacher meetings at regular intervals. If any parent wishes to meet the teachers, they will have to fix prior appointment with the office.
- Children once in school will not be allowed to leave early unless there is a valid reason and prior permission taken from the office.
- Children will not be allowed to leave anyone other than their own parents. In the event the guardians, drivers, etc, be required to pick them up, a written request signed by the parents should be submitted to the office attaching a photograph of the guardian, driver, etc.